Sunday, June 15, 2014

Things that fall ....

  • Autumn leaves
  • Meteors
  • Ripe fruit
  • Snowflakes
  • Rain
  • Tides
  • Teardrops

Other things fall, not just naturally ...but because circumstances, often unexpected, cause them to fall.

We often call it ...cause and effect,

Or when several components are affected, occurring when a small change causes a similar change nearby, which then causes another change, and soon the change is so large that it is often puzzling how it all first came about ...the domino effect.

Or instructing you to fall in line ...

And if we cannot put forth an equal argument ...

...we may not stand forthright enough to resist also becoming one of them.

When we should really be more like Cooper and Todd, not seeing the reasons that have been portrayed.

When we say children are born sinful and selfish, we are ignoring the bigger picture of how much more quickly they can often resolve problems.

They do tend to get along.

Until, that is, they are taught conflict.

And I'm not suggesting this as a stance for gun control.

Yes, there is real conflict in our world that we should not be taught to ignore ...but we can learn best from Jesus.

Jesus showed us the balanced life, of admitting our wrong ...with a commitment to not continue it.

Yes, that balance is achieved only when we no longer confused about what is right, and stand ready to resolve our conflict of commitment.

Our primary commitment should be toward accepting and following God, but sadly we are moving in a direction where don't acknowledge Him for who He is ...and much of the time He doesn't even enter the consideration.

When I think of eternity, and Heaven would be a horrible thought to think He didn't consider me.  

But, He did sending His Son, Jesus.

And I consider that kind of love to always be worth considering.